Monthly Programme Example

Please see below a sample of a programme from a previous year before COVID meant that we had to change arrangements. At present we do not have a fixed programme, please get in touch if you are interested in joining our monthly meetings in whatever form is allowed.

9 January:
Craft afternoon, 2pm

13 February:
Craft afternoon, 2pm

12 March:
Swaledale Mountain Rescue
Matt Cocker

16 April:
June Swain-Phillips

14 May:
Painting workshop
Jo Garlick

11 June:
Janet Roy

9 July:
Themed Social Night

13 August:
Members Outing
To be arranged

10 September:
Around the World Clipper Race
Jenny Blackburn

8 October:
Cyanotype Prints Demonstration
Jill Welham

12 November:
Soup and Puddings

10 December:
Christmas Lunch
To be arranged