2024 Events and Workshops

Scroll down to see full details including Booking Forms to the end of 2023.

A summary of events can be found at this Summary of Events page.

2024 Events

The events below are open for bookings scroll down to download the booking forms.

Save the Dates - events which are in planning for 2024 are listed on  this link to summary-of-events-and-dates Booking Forms and full details will be added below as details are firmed up.

Note GYS Catering and Steward Booking forms available in July Section below

Forms are available in both Word and PDF format for completion before emailing or posting to Alma House to reserve places.

If the closing date has passed please contact the office on 01765 606339 for availability.

July 2024

GYS 9th – 12th July 2024

The draft schedule for the competitions is available at this link https://yorkshire-north-west.thewi.org.uk/federation-and-national-competitions

Date and TimeDescription

Friday 26th July

2pm - 4pm


History Wardrobe - Ladies of Leisure with Lucy Adlington

Masham Town Hall , on Friday 26th July

From 2:00 pm to 4.00 pm.

Cost £20 to include Cream Tea

Do you fancy a spot of Regency cricket? Or is enchanting embroidery more your thing? This delightful new talk explores pleasure and pastimes in Jane Austen’s era, featuring marvellous original fashions for sport and dancing and hilarious readings from Austen’s novels.

Booking Form - Download a  PDF Booking Form Here (you need to print it off and send in to the office) or download a Word version for editing here

Booking Start Date: 1 May 2024 – Closing Date: 1st July

August 2024

No Federation Events Planned

September 2024

Date and TimeDescription

Thursday 5th September


Vist to Littlethorpe Manor Gardens HG4 3LG

Thursday 5th September 2024

10.30 am for coffee, tour starts at 11.00 am with Eddie Harland, Head Gardener

Cost £15 including refreshments

This garden has recently undergone a major refurbishment and has only just reopened to visitors so now is you chance to visit and hear the background to the changes made as well as enjoy the autumnal planting.

Please let us know of any dietary requirements There is limited parking at the site – please car share if you can.

Booking Form - Download a  PDF Booking Form Here (you need to print it off and send in to the office) or download a Word version for editing here

Booking Start Date: 1st June to 15th August

Tuesday 24th September


(doors open from 1:30pm


Autumn Bounty Cookery Demonstration by Julie Clarke





Julie will demonstrate  a number of dishes using the bounty which comes in Autumn  - perhaps giving you ideas to use the excess in your garden or neigbourhood or lower priced items in the shops due to a glut.

Booking Form - Download a  PDF Booking Form Here (you need to print it off and send in to the office) or download a Word version for editing here

Booking Start Date: 1st June to 6th September

Friday 20th


6:30pm for 7:00pm Start


Federation Quiz 2024 Heats
5 Venues

Maximum of 6 Members per team - WI's can enter multiple teams

Cost £8.50 per team member - Light Refreshments will be served  - so please indicate any dietary requirements on the booking form.

Note Final will take place at Alma House on Friday 18th October 2024 at 7pm

Booking Form - Download a  PDF Booking Form Here (you need to print it off and send in to the office) or download a Word version for editing here

Booking Start Date: 1st June to 30th August

Friday 27th  September


Programme Planning

More details to follow

October 2024

Date and TimeDescription
Wednesday 9th October

Autumn Lunch

Wednesday 9th October

10.00 am -4:00pm 

Cost £35 including coffee on arrival and two course lunch

Morning Speaker:Dianne Sinnott is the 20th Century Design specialist and general valuer at Tennants Auctioneers.

Afternoon speaker: Nicola Mills, “Opera For the People”. Popular opera singer Nicola will perform a mix of opera, classical, musicals and popular music for your entertainment.

Booking Form - Download a  PDF Booking Form Here (you need to print it off and send in to the office by post or email)

Booking Start Date: 1st July to 24th September

Tuesday 15th October


Cathedral Window Patchwork with Ann Starkey

On Tuesday 15th October 2024  at Alma House, Ripon

from 10.00 for coffee, 10.30 am to 3.30 pm

Cost £25

You can make either the Christmas tree or cushion and a small item such as the tree

Booking Form - Download a  PDF Booking Form Here (you need to print it off and send in to the office) or download a Word version for editing here

Booking Start Date: 1st July to 27th September

Friday 18th


6:30pm for 7:00pm Start

Federation Quiz 2024 Final

November 2024

Date and TimeDescription

Friday 1st November

Visit to Holker Hall and Market

Friday 1st November arriving at 11.00 am


Cost £30 includes entry to Holker Hall, Gardens and Christmas Market and Coach Travel

Booking Form - Download a  PDF Booking Form Here (you need to print it off and send in to the office by Post or email )

Booking Start Date: 1st June to 6th September

Tuesday 5th December  & &th December


Christmas Decoration Workshop with Sheila Carr

Two Venues Alma House & Long Preston

from 9.30 am for coffee to 4.00 pm

Cost £25 to include all materials by Sheila

”Snowflakes, Angels and Trees”

Booking Form - Download a  PDF Booking Form Here (you need to print it off and send in to the office by post or email )

Booking Start Date: 1st July to 18th October