North Yorkshire West Download Page

The page contains links to forms on both MyWI and downloads of forms used within the Federation.

Link to MyWI - your email address is your user name

Useful Links  Document for WI Committee/Team and Members across WI website/MyWI/NYWFWI Website  and  in Word and in PDF

Membership Forms

North Yorkshire West Subscriptions 2024 April to March 2025  Word Format - PDF Format

North Yorkshire West Subscriptions 2023 April to March 2024  Word Format - PDF Format

North Yorkshire West Subscriptions 2022 April to March 2023  Word Format - PDF Format

New Member Invitation Form

New Member Registration (MyWI Form login then use this link)  - Running Your WI - Member Resources

Gift Aid

Gift Aid (MyWI Form login then use this link) - Running Your WI - WI Finances Guide to Gift Aid

Gift Declaration Aid 2024  £48  April to March 2025 Word Format - PDF Format

Gift Declaration Aid 2024 Flexibility  April to March 2025 Word Format - PDF Format

WI Meetings & Events

WI Monthly Meeting Minutes

Committee Meeting Minutes

Risk Assessment Form

Finance Forms

WI Account Book Excel Version (MyWI Form login then use this link)  Running Your WI - WI Finances

NYWFWI WI Account Book Excel Version  This version has totals at the top and bottom making it easier to check that entries have been added in.

WI Account Book Paper Version (MyWI Form login then use this link) Running Your WI - WI Finances

Financial Report - pdf Version - note period covered is entered on form so cover any year end option

Notes to assist in on completing Annual Financial Report - pdf version

Annual Forms

Annual Report Form 2023 Word Version and Pdf Version

Insurance Renewal Form 2024 Word Version and Pdf Version

Newsletter Order Form Jul 24-25 - Word Version and Pdf Version

200 Club Renewal-Application for 2024 Word Version and PDF format