Roecliffe Hostory 1933-2013


1933 to 2013
A village institution for 80 years

(Jane Robinson)

Trawling through the minute books from 1933 onwards, the most striking thing is the degree of social change between then and now. Lack of transport meant that social life revolved around the village and its inhabitants and Roecliffe WI was at the forefront of organising socials, whist drives, plays, concerts, dances, children’s parties, etc. They had a captive audience as there was no competition from television, foreign holidays, trips to London, visits away to look after grandchildren, etc. Money was limited and entertainment was home-made and
local. Outings were arranged for members, their families and guests. Speakers spoke mainly on craft-related items or home economic topics but the wartime minutes make for interesting reading. Since its inception WI has always been instrumental in supporting and contributing to village amenities.

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You can down the full history document at this link.