Monthly Programme 2025

Please scroll down to see our programme for 2025 or download a copy of the programme here.


(meetings 2nd Monday in month 2 pm start unless stated otherwise*)


JAN 13   AGM, resolutions and beetle drive

FEB 10   Illustrated talk about the Air Ambulance by Claire Deacon & sale of their merchandise

MAR 10 “The Real Marigold Hotel” illustrated talk by Maggie Poppa

APR 14   Illustrated talk by Jennyruth Workshops

MAY 12 “Life as a camp follower” memories of an army wife, Mrs McKeown

JUN 9  Learn more about reflexology and aromatherapy - talk and demonstration by Sarah Cooper

JUL 14  “Memories in a shoebox” –talk by Vivienne Rivet (bring your own mementoes)

AUG 11  Afternoon tea and informal get together – venue TBC

SEP 8 “Captive on the carousel of time” – illustrated, musical talk by Malcolm Johnson on the 1970s

OCT 13 “Those pesky viruses” – illustrated talk by Helen Davison

NOV 10 Christmas cooking demonstration by Julie Clarke

DEC 8  Christmas social afternoon

NB: Other outings/lunches TBA at future meetings.  Book & jigsaw stall most months.

2026 Happy New Year!

JAN 12    AGM, resolutions and quiz

Venue: St Wilfrid’s Community Centre, Trinity Lane, HG4 2AB