Monthly Programme 2023

Please scroll down to see our programme for 2023 or download a copy here. Visitors and new members are always welcome.

January 11th
Joan Murray- Knitwear designer Hostesses: Mavis Garnett and Barbara Coultherd

February 8th
Richard Handscomb- Yorkshire Air Ambulance Hostesses: Elaine Simpson and Sue Gudgeon

March 8th
Chris Helme- Holidays of the past Hostesses: Ann Jowett and Joan Procter

April 12th
Abbie From the Ribble River Trust talking about projects and how their work impacts our community. Hostesses: Edith Wright and Sheila Grant

May 10th
PC Daniel Fawkes- Cybercrime Jean Rodgers and Katy Attewell

June 14th
Annual Trip—Details TBC

July 12th
Rodney Dimbledy- Chairman of the Yorkshire Dialect Society- ‘Tellin’t Tale’ Hostesses: Elaine Fleming and Maggie Pedder

August 9th
Annual Walk—Details TBC

September 13th
Julie Clarke—NYWFWI- Cookery Demonstration and Raffle Hostesses: Jacquie Morley and Barbara Coultherd

October 11th
Jacquie Morley- Craft Evening Hostesses: Marian Patten and Elaine Simpson

November 8th
AGM with Pie and Peas supper

December 13th
Christmas Party Jacob’s Join
Entertainment TBA