Monthly Programme Example
Please see below a sample of a programme from a previous year before COVID meant that we had to change arrangements. At present we do not have a fixed programme, please get in touch if you are interested in joining our monthly meetings in whatever form is allowed.
January 7thCaring for India’s Street Children
February 4thResolution Discussion & Quiz
March 4thThe Cone Exchange with Capt Rummage
April 1stTai Chi with Pendulum Holistic Therapies
May 13thVisit to The Walled Garden, Ripon
& Resolution Vote
June 3rdPizza and Pimms Evening at The Old
Post Office, Hampsthwaite
July 1stSafe & Well in Your Home with Helen Richardson, Com Safety Officer
August 5thFascinating Experience
September 2ndRipon Cathedral – The Story
October 7thCake Topping Workshop
November 4thAGM
& Music Quiz
December 2ndChristmas Celebrations ?