Monthly Programme Example

Monthly Programme Example

Please see below a sample of a programme from a previous year before COVID meant that we had to change arrangements. At present we do not have fixed programme, please get in touch if you are interested in joining our monthly meetings in whatever form is allowed.

7th January
Resolutions Discussion
Followed by
“Fun & Games”

4th February
Golden Years
Fitness and Exercise

3rd March
Zeke Deighton
A country childhood in words and song

7th April
Nature Knows Better
Demonstration of how to make lip balms, moisturisers etc.

5th May
Children’s Books Through History
An Illustrated Talk

2nd June
Mark Hunter
Singing for Health and Wellbeing

7th July
Quiz Night

4th August

1st September
Women in War
Illustrated talk by Lesley Newnham

6th October
Christmas Crafts
by Maureen & Jenny

3rd November
Followed by Members Choice

1st December
Christmas Dinner