Monthly Programme 2023

Please scroll down to see our monthly programme for 2023 or download a pdf version here which includes further information about our guest speakers each month.

New Memebrs and visitors are always welcome.

Coverdale WI

Meetings 2023-2024

19th April

The Eight Limbs of Yoga with Lea Taylor




Best yoga outfit either worn or admired


17th May

Talk: Susan Parry: From Forensics to Crime Fiction




A potential weapon of torture


21st June


Talk by The Sustainable Swaledale Group

Any image of a tree


19th July


Summer Bring & Share Supper


16th August


All Day Summer Outing TBC


20th September


Victoria Wood Comedy Genius! A talk by Chris Foote-Wood


Open Meeting - £5 for guests


18th October


What did we do before Plastic? By Wendy Knight




A vintage kitchen storage item (non plastic)


18th November




9th  December


Christmas Supper


17th  January

Games/Quiz Evening


18th  February



The Health & Social benefits of Making Music Collectively with Debbie Allenby

A musical item


20th  March



Paul Clark : The Northern Dales Night Skies

Any picture of the night sky.


Coverdale WI

Community Events 2023-2024

11th to 14th July

Great Yorkshire Show


Help out day at WI Pavillion

1st August

Yorkshire Day

11th September


WI Community Lunch

4th December


Christmas Afternoon Tea

21st January 2024


January Jolly Sunday Lunch


9th February


Domino Drive


11th March


Community Afternoon Tea