Monthly Programme 2023

Please scroll down to see our programme for 2023 or download a copy here. We also have popular craft group. Visitors and new members are always welcome.

January 18th - AGM & Resolutions.

February 15th - Bruce Reid, Retired
Watch Manager @ North Yorkshire
Fire and Rescue.

March 15th - Veronica Bird her life as a Prison Governess

April 19th - Jeff Jacklin, 'Life in the
NHS' it only hursts when I laugh.

May 17th - Colin Alderson, ex Chef to
the Royal Household.

June 21st - Maggie Popper, Interactive talk on

July 19th - President's Choice.

August 16th - Felicity Jennings, Papercraft or Macrame.

September 20th - Robert Stewart, Entertaining talk on true

October 18th - York Oakhouse Foods, Wendy King to give a
talk and bring food samples.

November 15th - 'Hello Crafter' Kylie demonstrating and
helping with Christmas Crafts.

December 20th Christmas Lunch/Party