Monthly Programme Example

Monthly Programme Example

Please see below a sample of a programme from a previous year before COVID meant that we had to change arrangements. At present we do not have fixed programme, please get in touch if you are interested in joining our monthly meetings in whatever form is allowed.

January 08   Behind the Scenes at World Sporting Events
Jill Heseltine talks about working at The Olympics & Commonwealth Games
7.30 @ Quaker Meeting House Barn (QMH)

February 12  The  Kitemaker
Alan Poxon Talks about his work making and flying kites   7.30 @ QMH

March 11 Meeting with our friends from Malham WI
7.30 @ Malham Village Hall  

April 08 Craven Waste Recycling
Sharon Hudson on Waste Recycling in Craven
7.30 @ QMH

May 13 Homes For Habitats Malawi
Laura Thomas Speaks on behalf of Homes For Habitats and their work in Malawi
7.30 @ QMH

June 10 Garden Visit
Daytime garden Visit to York Gate, Adel with afternoon tea  
Cost £10  Time TBA

July 08   Annual Dinner    

August 12 A Local Trail
A walking treasure hunt around Airton. Refreshments afterwards @ QMH  
7.30 @ QMH  

September 09 Curious Tales From the Graveyard -
Malham WI will be joining us for a talk by Sarah Lister Celebrating our Ancestors
7.30 @ QMH

October 14 The Samaritans
James Mansley     Talks about the work of The Samaritans
7.30 @ QMH

November 11 Cake Decorating
Alison Jones Demonstrates the art of cake decorating
7.30 @ QMH  

December 09 AGM
7.30 @ QMH