April 2021 Newsletter Extension

Letter from a WI Member on why she is renewing her subscription.

My Dear WI Members,

I was speaking with a fellow WI member and she said she was not going to renew her membership.

I was surprised, but some ladies feel that with the pandemic, we aren't getting anything for our money.

As an American. I can tell you what the WI means to me.

It was the door that opened to my many acquaintances in our village....... that without it, would have taken years to form.

Some have complained about the cost.  The cost is about 3.50 a month.....I spend more on my newspapers in a week!    In my opinion our WI is actually is priceless.

When I mention the WI to my friends and relatives in America, their response is "we wish we had such an organization here".  The support and contact on a monthly basis, that is when the WI can operate, is vital.  And all the other contributions, the trips, the walks, the speakers.....amazing.   There have been times during this pandemic when my doorbell has rung and a WI member has handed me a lovely piece of cake!   Imagine!    And the generous women who donate their time and effort to keep the WI the special organization it is, are to be admired and thanked.  I for one am so grateful.

So, in my humble opinion, financial support is needed more than ever.   The WI has supported us when needed, and now it is our turn to support the WI.     It's always been there in the past, and in these unprecedented times, we need to be there for this outstanding women's organization.

I speak for my American women friends, who so wish there was such a supportive organization in their country.  Please let's not take it for granted.


The member's name not published here as this is a public website but can be obtained by contacting nywfwi@btconnect.com